Beeswax Polish

Beeswax Polish

Beeswax is a natural wax produced by honey bees to build their combs. It is also used as a polish and preservative for wood, leather, and furniture.

There are many recipes for beeswax polish available online, but they all share the same basic ingredients: beeswax, various oils, and perhaps a few drops of essential oils such as lemon or lavender.

The oil used my be turpentine for a traditional furniture polish or food grade oils, such as coconut, for use on food preparation or serving products.

Animal oils such as lanolin or tallow are most suitable for use on leather.

The first step in making your polish is to place the beeswax and the oil of your choice into a double boiler. Heat gently and stir now and them until the beeswax has melted after about 5 to 10 minutes. Once it's melted you can take it off the heat and add an essential oil if required. Finally, pour the melted mixture into a tin or glass container and allow to set.

Applying beeswax polish to furniture is easy; simply buff onto the wood with a clean cloth. Leave to dry for 5 mins and then apply some more polish if desired. After waiting another 5 mins you can buff off any leftovers.

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